Letter T Tracing Worksheet – Free Printables

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Grab all six of my kids letter T tracing worksheets here.

Each individual printable worksheet is free and you can select from the variations below. These worksheets can help children learn the alphabet and build fine motor skills.

The variations below include upper case and lower case ‘Tt’ versions for a variety of practice as well as common T words for early learners including tree, truck, and toy.

All worksheets are designed to be printed on A4 paper. Make sure you select “shrink to fit” in order to ensure best quality output from your printer.

License and Terms of Use: All printables are provided for non-commercial personal and classroom use only, not for resale or distribution. All rights reserved.

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Free Letter T Tracing Worksheets

t tracing worksheet

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The easiest and most introductory worksheet on the list, this version simply asks students to trace the letters inside of a bubble letter formation. The very large letters is good for initial fine motor skill development – plus, students can color the bubbles once they’re done!

t tracing worksheet

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Stepping up the difficulty a little, we’re moving onto practicing the uppercase and lowercase letters within bubble text, and then some simple t-letter words: turtle, tree, and tap.

t tracing worksheet

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I often get asked by readers for black-and-white versions of the colorful worksheets I create. If that’s you, this version is yours! I made the images that are alongside the words to be simple black outlines, allowing children to color them in once they’ve traced the words!

t tracing worksheet

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Children need to learn that letters fit within groups to form words. Here, with a focus on t words still, we have a simple sentence with three words starting with the focus letter. The sentence is: “The tinty turtle tried to climb the tree.”

t tracing worksheet

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This Pre-K version has very large letters, giving children the opportunity to practice uppercase and lowercase versions of the letter. If your child finds this version easy, move onto the similar version within horizontal handwriting lines later on this page.

t tracing worksheet

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Dot tracing images can help students to improve their penmanship. It improved fine motor skills, precision, and hand-eye coordination. Once the child has traced the letters and the image, have them color-in the turtle!

free letter T tracing printable

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This version places uppercase and lowercase Ee letters alongside one another. The idea is to associate the two letters through proximal placement – students are encouraged to recognize these two letter forms as having the same semantic meaning.

Tracing Letter T

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This version has progression built into it. Students start with a lowercase t on its own and practice it on the first line. Then, they try the uppercase T, then on the third line they combine them both. Finally, students get a chance to practice a small and common word beginning with t: tree!

free capital T tracing printable

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This version is focused on reinforcing the uppercase and lowercase versions of the letter. By repeating them one-by-one, students build the required muscle memory to become fluent at handwriting.

Letter T Tracing Printable

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Students begin to integrate the letters into words in this worksheet, with students practicing the words tree, truck, and toy. Students get the chance to practice each word with both the capital and lowercase versions of the letter.

Tracing Letter T Printable

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This version provides the next level of difficulty, where students still have the horizontal handwriting lines to assist with maintaining uniform height, but students must now practice the letters without the assistance of the dotted letter lines.

Tracing Letter T Worksheet

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This version is all about writing the letter in context, by placing it within short and common words starting with the letter. Students can practice the words nut, nest, and nail with both uppercase and lowercase forms of the letter.

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