Letter M Tracing Worksheet – Free Printables

check mark Designed by Chris

Grab all six of my kids letter M tracing worksheets here.

Each individual printable worksheet is free and you can select from the variations below. They are designed to help children learn the alphabet and build fine motor skills.

The variations below include upper case and lower case ‘Mm’ versions for a variety of practice as well as common M words for early learners including milk, mop, man, and map.

All worksheets are designed to be printed on A4 paper. Make sure you select “shrink to fit” in order to ensure best quality output from your printer.

License and Terms of Use: All printables are provided for non-commercial personal and classroom use only, not for resale or distribution. All rights reserved.

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Free Letter M Tracing Worksheets

m tracing worksheet

check mark Designed by Chris

For our first and simplest version, we have the letters in large bubble letters with tracing guidelines. The letters are intentionally as large as possible for pre-K children to start to develop fine motor penmanship from the very beginning. This one has also been used by teachers as a poster in the classroom.

m tracing worksheet

check mark Designed by Chris

This version builds upon the previous one by adding some additional tracing practice for refining hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills. Students can trace around the monkey to complete the picture, then of course color him in!

m tracing worksheet

check mark Designed by Chris

This version presents three m-words in large letters, with the image alongside the word. The images have been included to support children’s contextual understanding. Encourage them to sound out the word while pointing at, or tracing, the letters.

m tracing worksheet

check mark Designed by Chris

This version is all about writing our first sentences! Students can begin to understand that words are made up of letters, which combined create unique sounds. The sentence contains ‘m’ four times, including one opportunity to write the letter in uppercase.

m tracing worksheet

check mark Designed by Chris

An additional sentence practice option, this one also provides the opportunity to practice writing the letter ‘m’ in context, with uppercase and lowercase options. Once students are finished with their tracing, encourage them to sound out their sentence and, of course, trace and color the monkey in the top corner!

m tracing worksheet

check mark Designed by Chris

This is my last pre-K version that was requested by a user, who wanted “M is for…” dot tracing sheets. Of course, I wanted to share it with everyone, so here it is!

free letter M tracing printable

check mark Designed by Chris

From here on, the worksheets will have horizontal handwriting practice lines to help scaffold uniformity of letter height and size. This can help prepare students for word and sentence writing. In this version, students practice uppercase and lowercase versions of the letter side-by-side to stimulate association between the two letter forms.

Tracing Letter M

check mark Designed by Chris

This version integrates progression into the one page. Students start with the individual uppercase letter, then try our the lowercase version. On the third and fourth lines, they practice pairing the letters side-by-side, before finally trying to write a CVC word starting with the letter ‘m’.

free capital M tracing printable

check mark Designed by Chris

This version is focused on reinforcing the uppercase and lowercase versions of the letter. By repeating them one-by-one, students build the required muscle memory to become fluent at handwriting.

Letter M Tracing Printable

check mark Designed by Chris

The next step up from practicing the letter on its own is to put it into words. This version helps students to practice writing words by combining letters, and ensuring they are of uniform height and form. Students can practice the CVC words: map, man, and mop.

Tracing Letter M Worksheet

check mark Designed by Chris

This version helps students to repeat one word, giving them writing confidence as they transition from letters to words. There are opportunities to practice the word with uppercase and lowercase versions of our target letter.

Tracing Letter M Printable

check mark Designed by Chris

Once your child feels confident writing the letter, we need to start removing support scaffolds. The first step is to keep the horizontal handwriting practice lines, but remove the dot tracing letters. In this way, students can still have support in keeping letter size, but must practice letter shape independently.

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