10 Cursive X Tracing Worksheets – Free Printables

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Grab all ten of my cursive letter X tracing worksheets here. Each individual printable worksheet is free and you can select from the variations below.

The variations below include upper case and lower case ‘Xx’ versions for a variety of cursive writing practice activities as well as common X words for early learners to practice their cursive writing style.

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Free Cursive X Worksheets

free cursive x tracing worksheet

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Our first page stands out from the rest on this list because it compresses the work into one page: we start with single letter practice, then progresses into connecting the letter into full cursive words: box and fox.

free cursive x tracing worksheet

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Students practice the lowercase letter on repeat to develop fluency in the pen stroke style. Students can write each letter 54 times, with the idea of having built the requisite muscle memory by the end.

free cursive x tracing worksheet

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This version complements the lowercase page from above, with a focus on the uppercase stroke structure. Note that the uppercase X does not connect tot he next letter in cursive style.

free cursive x tracing worksheet

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In this version, students practice both the capital and lowercase versions of the letter. This is a good option to combine the two previous tasks into one simple lesson, with 30 chances to practice each letter. Students can also learn the relative size of each letter to the other.

free cursive x tracing worksheet

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For this page, we move onto full words. In this piece, we start with the word “fox” so students can practice flowing into the x without lifting the pen. Students write the word 27 times, using horizontal tracing lines for assistance.

free cursive x tracing worksheet

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For the second practice word, we focus on the flow of writing the word “box”, reinforcing the lead-in to the x in cursive style. Students write the word 24 times.

free cursive x tracing worksheet

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For the third practice word, we focus on the flow of writing the word “axe”, where students flow both into and out of the cursive x. Students write the word 24 times.

free cursive x tracing worksheet

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This page combines the practice of the previous three pages into one piece, helping students to demonstrate mastery of including the letter x into cursive words. If students can complete this piece with ease, it’s time to move onto full sentences (next pages).

free cursive x tracing worksheet

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For our first of two worksheets for practicing full sentence writing, students incorporate the three practice words into a simple sentence: “The fox sat on the box with an axe.” Students write the sentence three times, with the assistance of horizontal guidelines.

free cursive x tracing worksheet

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This is the final and most difficult sheet for this task. Students write a long sentence with difficult words containing the letter x. They write, in cursive: “The clever fox examined the box, excitedly expecting extraordinary sounds.”

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