Grab all ten of my cursive letter W tracing worksheets here. Each individual printable worksheet is free and you can select from the variations below.
The variations include upper case and lower case ‘Ww’ versions for a variety of cursive writing practice activities as well as common W words for early learners to practice their cursive writing style. The pages are presented roughly in order of difficulty, starting at individual letters, then progressing to uppercase, then full words, and finally full sentences in cursive style.
The pages are designed to be printed on A4 paper in portrait mode. Select “shrink to fit” for best results. Each page is in color – select “grayscale” if you wish to save on ink costs.
License and Terms of Use: All printables are provided for non-commercial personal and classroom use only, not for resale or distribution. All rights reserved.
Free Cursive W Worksheets
Designed by Chris
For this first version, students demonstrate progression within the one page. They write the lowercase and uppercase versions of the letter individually, before linking it up into full cursive words: water and whale.
For this sheet, students rote learn the lowercase w, practicing the flow and form of the cursive style stroked for 42 attempts, achieving fluency by the end.
This version helps students to practice writing the uppercase letter, which is the same as the non-cursive version, so they may be very familiar with this.
This page is a good fast-track option to replace the previous two pieces. Students write the uppercase and lowercase versions side-by-side, aiming to achieve muscle memory and mastery of the letter before practicing it in full words.
For the first of three pages that practice a specific words, we look at the word “water’ here, helping students to practice full sentence writing in cursive style, focusing on connecting the w to the a without lifting their pens.
For this version, students write the word “watch” 18 times, connecting each letter, then crossing the t at the end. Students do not connect the W to the a in uppercase version.
Combining the words from the previous three pages, this page helps to test students’ fluency in writing full words in cursive before moving onto the more difficult task of writing full sentences.
For the first and easier of the cursive sentence practice worksheets, students practice a short sentence (“I will watch the whale in the water”) with the intent of practicing the cursive w in the context of words and sentences.
Our most difficult cursive sentence practice involves students writing a full, long paragraph with difficult words. They write: “The wobbly wagon wove wildly through the windy woods, whistling with every wobble.”