1,141 Free Phonics Flashcards (Printable)

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Phonics involves teaching and learning the skill of reading by focusing on the relationship between sounds and letter formations.

This collection of free phonics flashcards contains 11 sets of common phonics activities, graduated by ability level. Each set contains an entire pack of flashcards to cover all possible combinations required for rote learning phonics terms

The phonics concepts covered are listed below:

  • CVC Set (101 Cards) – CVC words are words that contain a consonant, vowel, then consonant, such as “dog”.
  • Short Vowel Set (101 Cards) – Short vowel words are words where the vowel is sounded-out in its short form, such as “hat”.
  • Long Vowel Set (74 Cards) – Long vowel words are words where the vowel is sounded-out in its long form, such as “cake”.
  • Magic E Set (40 Cards) – The magic e turns a short vowel into a long vowel, such as “cap” vs “cape”.
  • Consonant Blends Set (100 Cards) – Consonant blends are sets of consonants that pair with one another to make a blended sound, such as “gr” and “bl”. Note that you hear both letters distinctly when sounded out, unlike digraphs.
  • Digraphs Set (100 Cards) – Digraphs are sets of letters that pair together to make one sound, such as “th” and “sh”.
  • R-Controlled Vowels Set (65 Cards) – This set contains words where the vowel immediately precedes an ‘r’, such as ‘or’ and ‘er’. In these instances, the vowel is blended with the r, with the result that it neither makes a long nor short vowel sound.
  • Diphthongs Set (108 Cards) – Diphthongs are syllables that contain two vowels, where the syllable moves from one vowel sound to another, such as “coin” and “loud”.
  • Word Families Set (256 Cards) – Word families are groups of words that share common base patterns, such as “at” in cat, hat, rat, and sat.
  • Prefixes Set (136) – Prefixes are added to the beginning of a stem word to affect its meaning of usage, as in “unsettled”.
  • Suffixes Set (60) – Suffixes are added to the end of a stem word to affects its meaning or usage, as in “colorful”.

You can use these resources to help students both rote learn the words and practice the sounding-out of the prefix sound in the context of common simple words.

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All the flashcards are designed to be printed onto regular US Letterhead paper (the sort of paper you’d put into your at-home printer!). Make sure you select the “shrink to fit” option when printing to avoid any cut-offs on your print.

License and Terms of Use: All printables are provided for non-commercial personal and classroom use only, not for resale or distribution. All rights reserved.

Free Phonics Flashcards

11. CVC Set (101 Cards)

cvc flashcards i vowel

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This set contains 101 free cvc words flashcards, including flashcards for every vowel (a,e,i,o,u). Example words include: cat, hat, set, bed, pin, sit, cot, hot, rug, hut.

10. Short Vowel Set (101 Cards)

cvc e words flashcards

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This set contains 101 free short vowels flashcards, including flashcards for every short vowel (a,e,i,o,u). Example words include: bat, vat, vet, pen, pig, hit, dog, hop, sun, cup.

9. Long Vowel Set (101 Cards)

long a vowel flashcards

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This set contains 74 free long vowels flashcards, including flashcards for every long vowel (a,e,i,o,u). Example words include: cake, rake, bee, key, bite, hike, row, bow, flute, cute.

8. Magic E Set (40 Cards)

magic e flashcards

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This set contains 40 free magic e (aka silent e) flashcards, including flashcards for every vowel (a-e, e-e, i-e, o-e, u-e). Example words include: cake, scene, kite, rope, cube.

7. Consonant Blends Set (100 Cards)

blended consonants flashcards

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This set contains 100 free consonant blends flashcards. Example blends include: bl, br, cl, cr, dr, fl, fr, gl, gr, pl.

6. Digraphs Set (100 Cards)

digraphs flashcards

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This set contains 100 free digraphs flashcards. Example digraphs include: ch, sh, th, wh, ph, kn, wr, gn, ck, qu.

5. R-Controlled Vowels Set (65 Cards)

r-controlled vowels flashcards

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This set contains 65 free r-controlled vowels flashcards, including flashcards for every vowel (ar, er, ir, or, ur). Example words include: car, far, star, barn, her, fern, term, germ, bird, stir, dirt, firm, horn, torn, corn, fork.

4. Diphthongs Set (108 Cards)

diphthong flashcards

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This set contains 108 free diphthongs flashcards. A diphthong is a sound formed by the combination of two vowel sounds within the same syllable. Instead of being a single, pure vowel sound, a diphthong starts as one vowel and glides into another. Example words include: house, stair, tour, and near.

3. Word Families Set (256 Cards)

ap word family flashcards

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This set contains 256 free word families flashcards, including flashcards for common word families including ig, it, in, an, at, and ot words. Example words include: pig, hit, fin, fan, cat, hot.

2. Prefix Set (136 Cards)

prefix flashcards

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This set contains 136 free prefix flashcards, including flashcards for the common prefixes: un, non, pre, dis, in, and more. Example words include: untrue, nonbinary, preschool, disarray, involuntary, and more.

1. Suffix Set (60 Cards)

suffix flashcards

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This set contains 60 free suffix flashcards, including flashcards for the common suffixes: est, ful, less, ment, ness. Example words include: biggest, smallest, joyful, hopeful, hopeless, fearless, enjoyment, movement, kindness, darkness.

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