Designed by Chris
This list of jobs flashcards presents 60 different professions on bright cards for kids to help children develop their occupation vocabulary.
I have created versions featuring woman and men separately. The professions are the same for both genders. You can mix-and match to create any gender mix you’d like.
There are six sets total – three sets featuring men and three featuring women. In each set, you will find 20 common careers. All sets are free.
The flashcards are designed to be printable for kindergarten and pre-k learners. However, ESL learners have also found them useful as the occupations are written in clear English under each image.
Printing Tips
- If you find the cards are printed wrong, select “shrink to fit” in your printer settings.
- If you wish to save ink, select “grayscale” mode in your printer settings.
License and Terms of Use: All printables are provided for non-commercial personal and classroom use only, not for resale or distribution. All rights reserved.
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Jobs Flashcards
Designed by Chris
Set 1 – Male
Contains the following occupations: police officer, teacher, nurse, doctor, engineer, architect, lawyer, accountant, chef, electrician, plumber, mechanic, carpenter, firefighter, farmer, pilot, flight attendant, scientist, dentist, pharmacist.
Designed by Chris
Set 1 – Female
Contains the following occupations: police officer, teacher, nurse, doctor, engineer, architect, lawyer, accountant, chef, electrician, plumber, mechanic, carpenter, firefighter, farmer, pilot, flight attendant, scientist, dentist, pharmacist.
Designed by Chris
Set 2 – Male
Contains the following occupations: vet, journalist, photographer, artist, musician, actor, software developer, graphic designer, librarian, social worker, hairdresser, physiotherapist, personal trainer, marketing specialist, financial analyst, realtor, construction worker, translator, truck driver, researcher.
Designed by Chris
Set 2 – Female
Contains the following occupations: vet, journalist, photographer, artist, musician, actor, software developer, graphic designer, librarian, social worker, hairdresser, physiotherapist, personal trainer, marketing specialist, financial analyst, realtor, construction worker, translator, truck driver, researcher.
Designed by Chris
Set 3 – Male
Contains the following occupations: professor, psychologist, IT technician, retail salesperson, barista, computer programmer, events manager, economist, tour guide, guest services, cleaner, server, paramedic, HR manager, soldier, taxi driver, security guard, athlete, entrepreneur, coach.
Designed by Chris
Set 3 – Female
Contains the following occupations: professor, psychologist, IT technician, retail salesperson, barista, computer programmer, events manager, economist, tour guide, guest services, cleaner, server, paramedic, HR manager, soldier, taxi driver, security guard, athlete, entrepreneur, coach.
How to Use These Flashcards
The main use cases for this set are:
- Rote learning of the careers
- Learning to recognize the words on sight (‘sight words’)
- Learning to spell the words
To begin with, use the flashcards for ten minutes a day to help children reinforce recognition of the occupations. Talk with your child about each profession and, if possible, link it to known people who are in the profession (such as a parent, aunt, uncle, or adult friend of the family).
As time progresses, encourage the child to say the name of the profession on sight (without your prompting or scaffolding).
For children who are learning to spell, you can read out the occupation written on the card that you pick up from the deck. Then, have the child attempt to spell the word (either verbally or in writing). Lastly, have the child check their spelling by looking at the card.
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