100 Free Consonant Blends Flashcards (Printable)

check mark Designed by Chris

This collection of free consonant blends flashcards contains 10 sets of 10 cards for 100 different words total. Each set covers a specific consonant blend from the following:

  • bl – blue, black, blink, blanket, block, blast, blend, blister, blimp, bloom
  • br – bread, bright, bridge, brush, bring, brother, brown, brave, break, brass
  • cl – clap, climb, clock, cloud, clear, clue, clown, clip, class, cluster
  • cr – crab, crack, crash, crime, crib, crown, crisp, crush, crumble, crank
  • dr – drop, dragon, dream, drive, drum, dress, drip, draft, dry, drama
  • fl – flag, flap, flip, float, flock, flower, flash, flute, fluff, flare
  • gl – glad, glue, globe, glitter, glass, glance, glide, gloomy, glow, glove
  • gr – grape, green, grass, grill, grand, grow, ground, grip, gravel, grumpy
  • pl – plant, plate, play, please, plug, plum, plop, plow, plastic, plank
  • st – star, stamp, stay, stick, stone, storm, strong, stump, street, style

They’re all completely free, so feel free to grab all of them!

You can use these resources to help students both rote learn the words and practice the sounding-out of the consonant blend sound in the context of common simple words.

All the flashcards are designed to be printed onto regular US Letterhead paper (the sort of paper you’d put into your at-home printer!). Make sure you select the “shrink to fit” option when printing to avoid any cut-offs on your print.

License and Terms of Use: All printables are provided for non-commercial personal and classroom use only, not for resale or distribution. All rights reserved.

Free Consonant Blends Flashcards

Bl Blend Set

blends flashcards

check mark Designed by Chris

This set contains 10 bl blend words. The words include: blue, black, blink, blanket, block, blast, blend, blister, blimp, bloom.

Br Blend Set

printable consonant blend flashcards free

check mark Designed by Chris

This set contains 10 br blend words. The words include: bread, bright, bridge, brush, bring, brother, brown, brave, break, brass.

Cl Blend Set

pdf consonant blends flashcard

check mark Designed by Chris

This set contains 10 cl blend words. The words include: clap, climb, clock, cloud, clear, clue, clown, clip, class, cluster.

Cr Blend Set

consonant blends flashcards free

check mark Designed by Chris

This set contains 10 cr blend words. The words include: crab, crack, crash, crime, crib, crown, crisp, crush, crumble, crank.

Dr Blend Set

consonant blend flashcards free

check mark Designed by Chris

This set contains 10 dr blend words. The words include: drop, dragon, dream, drive, drum, dress, drip, draft, dry, drama.

Fl Blend Set

blended consonants flashcards

check mark Designed by Chris

This set contains 10 fl blend words. The words include: flag, flap, flip, float, flock, flower, flash, flute, fluff, flare.

Gl Blend Set

consonant blend flash cards free

check mark Designed by Chris

This set contains 10 gl blend words. The words include: glad, glue, globe, glitter, glass, glance, glide, gloomy, glow, glove.

Gr Blend Set

free printable consonant blends flashcards

check mark Designed by Chris

This set contains 10 gr blend words. The words include: grape, green, grass, grill, grand, grow, ground, grip, gravel, grumpy.

Pl Blend Set

consonant blend flash cards

check mark Designed by Chris

This set contains 10 pl blend words. The words include: plant, plate, play, please, plug, plum, plop, plow, plastic, plank.

St Blend Set

free blends flashcards

check mark Designed by Chris

This set contains 10 st blend words. The words include: star, stamp, stay, stick, stone, storm, strong, stump, street, style.

Additional Free Resources (What you Need Next!)

cvc flashcards

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Short Vowels Flashcards

long a vowel flashcard

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Long Vowels Flashcards

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