This collection of free long vowel flashcards contains 74 cards for 74 different words where the vowels are sounded out in their LONG form.
The flashcards are segmented into a-e-i-o-u vowel sets – they’re all completely free, so feel free to grab all of them!
The words covered in the long vowel sets are listed below:
Long A
Long E
Long I
Long O
Long U
pay hay bake cage cape date gate lake rake shake snake cake
bee key eat seed tree beach gene feet three leaf see pea bean tea meat
pie tie ice sky spy bite file hire kite lime line lion bike climb pilot spider time write light fly
rope bow doe row toe sow open ocean pony frozen phone boat soap snow window goat yellow swallow blow
glue blue cube human unicorn future fuel cupid
You can use these resources to help students both rote learn the words and practice the sounding-out of the short vowel sound in the context of common simple words.
All the flashcards are designed to be printed onto regular US Letterhead paper (the sort of paper you’d put into your at-home printer!). Make sure you select the “shrink to fit” option when printing to avoid any cut-offs on your print.
License and Terms of Use: All printables are provided for non-commercial personal and classroom use only, not for resale or distribution. All rights reserved.
Free Long Vowel Flashcards
A Vowel Set
Designed by Chris
This set contains 12 long a vowel words were the ‘a’ is pronounced long. The words include: pay, hay, bake, cage, cape, date, gate, lake, rake, shake, snake, cake. To get complementary worksheets, see my long a vowels worksheets.
This set contains 15 long e vowel words were the ‘e’ is pronounced long. The words include: bee, key, eat, seed, tree, beach, gene, feet, three, leaf, see, pea, bean, tea, meat. To get complementary worksheets, see my long e vowels worksheets.
This set contains 20 long i vowel words were the ‘i’ is pronounced long. The words include: pie, tie, ice, sky, spy, bite, file, hire, kite, lime, line, lion, bike, climb, pilot, spider, time, write, light, fly. To get complementary worksheets, see my long i vowels worksheets.
This set contains 19 long o vowel words were the ‘o’ is pronounced long. The words include: rope, bow, doe, row, toe, sow, open, ocean, pony, frozen, phone, boat, soap, snow, window, goat, yellow, swallow, blow. To get complementary worksheets, see my long o vowels worksheets.
This set contains 8 long u vowel words were the ‘u’ is pronounced long. The words include: glue, blue, cube, human, unicorn, future, fuel, cupid. To get complementary worksheets, see my long u vowels worksheets.