Pets Word Searches (Free to Print!)

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This collection of pets word search puzzles includes three puzzles (easy, moderate, hard) to cater them for your child’s age or ability level. They’re designed to be printed onto A4 paper.

Pets you can find in these word searches include: dog, cat, hamster, rabbit, turtle, parrot, guinea, fish, budgie, lizard, finch, frog, pony, gerbil, rat, and snake.

These word searches are made to be printable on A4 paper. Make sure you select “shrink to fit” to ensure the flashcards are printed properly.

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Pets Word Searches

Version 1 – Easy

free pets word search

check mark Designed by Chris

Difficulty Level: 🔥

This version has a 10 letter x 10 letter grid and 12 common pets to find. Words can be found in all directions (forward, backward, up, down, and diagonal).

Version 2 – Moderate

free pets word search

check mark Designed by Chris

Difficulty Level: 🔥🔥

This version has a 15 letter x 15 letter grid and 16 pets to find. Words can be found in all directions (forward, backward, up, down, and diagonal).

Version 3 – Hard

free pets word search

check mark Designed by Chris

Difficulty Level: 🔥🔥🔥

This version has a 20 letter x 20 letter grid and 16 common and uncommon pets to find. Words can be found in all directions (forward, backward, up, down, and diagonal).

I hope you enjoyed my selection of high-quality, downloadable word searches, tailored to cater to the varying learning styles of students, ensuring a solid foundation in learning! Here are some more resources you might want.

About These Pets

Here are some facts about these pets that you can share with your kids:

  • Dogs are the most common pets, and the most common breed is the cute Labrador retriever.
  • Cats are the next most common pets, with most cats being mutts, meaning mixed-breed.
  • Hamsters with their cute round cheeks are nocturnal little animals who are actually banned in Hawaii!
  • Rabbits are kept as pets, but if they break free, chances are they’ll breed rapidly in the wild and cause an infestation.
  • Turtles can be kept as pets, so long as they’re not a protected breed, but need very particular home environments.
  • Parrots are usually green or multicolored, and are kept for their beauty – but you can also train them to speak!
  • Guinea pigs are prone to heart attacks, which makes their life expectancy very short! We keep them as pets, but in Peru, they eat them!
  • Fish can come in a wide range of different species and kept in your at-home aquarium.
  • Budgies are green or yellow, and their most identifiable physical feature is their small, hooked beak.
  • Lizards need to be kept in heated environments, usually under a warm light to replicate real-life conditions.
  • Finches are yellow, brown, or red, and their most identifiable physical feature is their small, conical beak.
  • Frogs can be kept as pets, and so too can toads!
  • Snakes can be kept and even handled safely by trained owners, but don’t be fooled – they’re not domesticated animals so merely tolerate humans.

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