Australian Animals Word Searches (Free to Print!)

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This collection of Australian animals word search puzzles includes three puzzles (easy, moderate, hard) to cater them for your child’s age or ability level.

The Aussie animals you can find in these word searches include: koalas, dingoes, wombats, quokkas, platypuses, wallabies, kangaroos, emu, kookaburras, echidna, bilbies, possums, cockatoos, crocodiles, numbats, galahs, sharks, and turtles.

These word searches are made to be printable on A4 paper. Make sure you select “shrink to fit” to ensure the flashcards are printed properly.

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Australian Animals Word Search

Version 1 – Easy

free australian animals word search

check mark Designed by Chris

Difficulty Level: 🔥

This version has a 10 letter x 10 letter grid and 12 animals to find. Words can be found in all directions (forward, backward, up, down, and diagonal).

Version 2 – Moderate

free australian animals word search

check mark Designed by Chris

Difficulty Level: 🔥🔥

This version has a 15 letter x 15 letter grid and 16 animals to find. Words can be found in all directions (forward, backward, up, down, and diagonal).

Version 3 – Hard

free australian animals word search

check mark Designed by Chris

Difficulty Level: 🔥🔥🔥

This version has a 20 letter x 20 letter grid and 18 animals to find. Words can be found in all directions (forward, backward, up, down, and diagonal).

I hope you enjoyed my selection of high-quality, downloadable word searchers, tailored to cater to the varying learning styles of students, ensuring a solid foundation in learning! Here are some more resources you might want.

About These Animals

Here are some fun facts about the Aussie natives you can find in the word searches:

  • Koalas are furry little tree dwellers, and their most identifiable physical feature is their fluffy exterior, especially their ears.
  • Dingoes are golden or reddish-brown dog-like creatures who roam the Australian outback.
  • Wombats are brown or gray land dwellers, and their most identifiable physical feature is their stout, burrowing bodies.
  • Quokkas are brown little rodent-like creatues, and their most identifiable physical feature is their cute rounded face.
  • Platypuses are very unique little animals with duck-like bills, who lay eggs, but are mammals!
  • Wallabies are brown or gray animals that look a little like small kangaroos.
  • Kangaroos are brown or gray, and larger than wallabies. They’re famous for their hopping and their pouches for their young.
  • Emus are birds that can’t fly, but certainly can run very fast through the Aussie outback.
  • Kookaburras are brown and white birds with large beaks. They have very identifiable laughs that sound like “kooka kooka”.
  • Echidnas are brown or black little creatures with spines like a porcupine.
  • Bilbies are gray or brown little creatures, and their most identifiable physical feature is their large, rabbit-like ears.
  • Possums are gray or brown tree dwellers who come out at night.
  • Cockatoos are generally large white birds, usually with yellow crests – but some are black!
  • Crocodiles roam the inland waterways of Northern Australia – so don’t go swimming!
  • Numbats are reddish-brown little creatures, and their most identifiable physical feature is their striped backs.
  • Galahs are pink and gray birds, and their most identifiable physical feature is their rosy plumage.
  • Sharks swim all around the oceans of Australia and many beaches are patrolled by helicopters to warn surfers if a shark is about.
  • Turtles lay their eggs on the sand in the northern parts of Australia before swimming back out to the ocean.

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