Dangerous Animals Word Searches (Free to Print!)

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This collection of dangerous animals word search puzzles includes three puzzles (easy, moderate, hard) to cater them for your child’s age or ability level.

Animals you will find on these word searches include: lion, tiger, crocodile, hippo, shark, bear, cobra, wolf, leopard, komodo, scorpion, piranha, buffalo, elephant, snake, stingray, jellyfish, and alligator.

These word searches are made to be printable on A4 paper. Make sure you select “shrink to fit” to ensure the flashcards are printed properly.

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Dangerous Animals Word Search

Version 1 – Easy

free dangerous animals word search

check mark Designed by Chris

Difficulty Level: 🔥

This version has a 10 letter x 10 letter grid and 12 animals to find. Words can be found in all directions (forward, backward, up, down, and diagonal). Words on this search are: lion, tiger, spider, hippo, shark, bear, wolf, leopard, scorpion, buffalo, snake, and stingray.

Version 2 – Moderate

free dangerous animals word search

check mark Designed by Chris

Difficulty Level: 🔥🔥

This version has a 15 letter x 15 letter grid and 8 animals to find. Words can be found in all directions (forward, backward, up, down, and diagonal). Words on this search are: lion, tiger, crocodile, hippo, shark, bear, cobra, wolf, alligator, leopard, komodo, scorpoon, piranha, jellyfish, buffalo, elephant, snake, and stingray.

Version 3 – Hard

free dangerous animals word search

check mark Designed by Chris

Difficulty Level: 🔥🔥🔥

This version has a 20 letter x 20 letter grid and 18 animals to find. Words can be found in all directions (forward, backward, up, down, and diagonal). Words on this word search include: lion, tiger, crocodile, hippo, shark, bear, cobra, wolf, leopard, komodo, scorpion, piranha, buffalo, elephant, snake, stingray, jellyfish, and alligator.

Most Dangerous Animals in the World

You wouldn’t believe the most dangerous animal in the world. If you were to measure it by human fatalities per year, it’s actually mosquitoes! Second? Well, it’s humans themselves! You might be less surprised about number three: snakes.

Here’s the top 20 most dangerous animals:

AnimalEstimated Annual Human FatalitiesPrimary Cause of Danger
MosquitoApproximately 780,000Disease transmission (e.g., malaria, dengue)
HumansAround 475,000Homicides and conflicts
SnakesBetween 50,000 and 100,000Venomous bites
DogsAbout 25,000Rabies transmission and attacks
Tsetse FlyApproximately 10,000Sleeping sickness (trypanosomiasis)
Assassin BugAround 10,000Chagas disease transmission
Freshwater SnailsApproximately 20,000Schistosomiasis transmission
Ascaris RoundwormAround 4,500Ascariasis infection
TapewormApproximately 2,000Cysticercosis infection
CrocodileAbout 1,000Attacks on humans
HippopotamusAround 500Aggressive behavior leading to attacks
ElephantApproximately 500Aggressive encounters
LionAround 200Predatory attacks
Box JellyfishDozensVenomous stings
SharkApproximately 10Attacks on humans
WolfAround 10Predatory attacks
LeopardVariesPredatory attacks
Cape BuffaloSeveral hundredAggressive behavior
Cone SnailFewVenomous stings
Poison Dart FrogFewToxic skin secretions

I hope you enjoyed my selection of high-quality, downloadable word searchers, tailored to cater to the varying learning styles of students, ensuring a solid foundation in learning! Here are some more resources you might want.

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