Cats Word Searches (Free to Print)

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This collection of cats word search puzzles includes three puzzles (easy, moderate, hard) to cater them for your child’s age or ability level.

These word searches are made to be printable on A4 paper. Make sure you select “shrink to fit” to ensure the flashcards are printed properly.

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Cats Word Search

Version 1 – Easy

free cats word search

check mark Designed by Chris

Difficulty Level: 🔥

This version has a 10 letter x 10 letter grid and 14 cats to find. Words can be found in all directions (forward, backward, up, down, and diagonal). Words on this search include: tabby, persian, ragdoll, meow, claw, whisker, kitten, feline, litter, tail, purr, paw, fur, and play.

Version 2 – Moderate

free cats word search

check mark Designed by Chris

Difficulty Level: 🔥🔥

This version has a 15 letter x 15 letter grid and 15 cats to find. Words can be found in all directions (forward, backward, up, down, and diagonal). Words to find are: tabby, persian, ragdoll, sphynx, purr, meow, claw, whisker, kitten, feline, litter, tail, paw, fir, play, and pounce.

Version 3 – Hard

free cats word search

check mark Designed by Chris

Difficulty Level: 🔥🔥🔥

This version has a 20 letter x 20 letter grid and 16 cats to find. Words can be found in all directions (forward, backward, up, down, and diagonal). Words to find in this puzzle are: tabby, persian, ragdoll, sphynx, purr, meow, claw, whisker, kitten, feline, litter, tail, paw, fur, play, and pounce.

I hope you enjoyed my selection of high-quality, downloadable word searches, tailored to cater to the varying learning styles of students, ensuring a solid foundation in learning! Here are some more resources you might want.

Most Popular Cat Breeds

I’ve found the data on most popular breeds by country. Check it out:

The most popular cat breeds in the United States are:

  1. Ragdoll
  2. Maine Coon
  3. Bengal
  4. Sphynx
  5. Siamese
  6. British Shorthair
  7. Abyssinian
  8. American Shorthair
  9. Scottish Fold
  10. Devon Rex

In the United Kingdom, the top cat breeds are:

  1. British Shorthair
  2. Ragdoll
  3. Bengal
  4. Sphynx
  5. Maine Coon
  6. Siamese
  7. Persian
  8. Russian Blue
  9. Norwegian Forest Cat
  10. Oriental Shorthair

The most popular cat breeds in Australia are:

  1. Ragdoll
  2. Bengal
  3. Maine Coon
  4. Siamese
  5. Burmese
  6. British Shorthair
  7. Sphynx
  8. Russian Blue
  9. Scottish Fold
  10. Abyssinian

Most Expensive Cat Breeds

The most expensive cat in the world, by far, is the Ashera, which can be sold for over $100,000! It is produced by breeding the African serval, an Asian leopard cat, and a domestic house cat. The difficulty in breeding this cat is the cause of its expense – but those who buy it see it as a big status symbol!

Here is the top 10 by average price:

BreedAverage Price (USD)
Ashera$22,000 – $125,000
Savannah$10,000 – $25,000
Bengal$3,000 – $5,000
Persian$1,500 – $5,000
Sphynx$2,500 – $5,000
Scottish Fold$2,000 – $3,500
Russian Blue$500 – $3,000
British Shorthair$1,000 – $3,500
Maine Coon$1,000 – $2,000
Ragdoll$1,000 – $2,500

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