Free Adding Fractions with 10 and 100 as Denominators Worksheets
Designed by Zarah Edited by Chris
This collection of free adding fractions with 10 and 100 as denominators worksheets includes a range of fun activities and challenges to keep students engaged in their learning.
Adding fractions with 10 and 100 as denominatorsis usually introduced in Grade 4.
All the worksheets are designed to be printed onto A4 paper. Make sure you select the “shrink to fit” option when printing to avoid any cut-offs on your print.
License and Terms of Use: All printables are provided for non-commercial personal and classroom use only, not for resale or distribution. All rights reserved.
4.NF.C.5: Express a fraction with denominator 10 as an equivalent fraction with denominator 100, and use this technique to add two fractions with respective denominators 10 and 100.4 For example, express 3/10 as 30/100, and add 3/10 + 4/100 = 34/100.
Free Adding Fractions with 10 and 100 as Denominators Worksheets
Designed by Zarah
Difficulty: 🔥🔥
The combination of a visual shading activity alongside a fraction sentence helps to reinforce learning. Visual activities can help reinforce the key idea underpinning the otherwise abstract problem.
Students need to pull fractions from a collection of possible options to create a fraction sentence that matches the answer. Includes both proper and mixed fractions.
This version involves the use of number arrays to do the addition. I’m aware the size is a little small for students, which is why I’ve buried it at the bottom of the article! Nevertheless, I figured someone might like it so here it is!
Students have to find one missing numerator in the fraction sentence. This challenge requires conversion from 10 to 100 as well as finding missing addends in an addition sentence.
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